How can I participate

Organizations (Institutions & Associations, Businesses, Cities & Regions, Society) that within the last three (3) years have developed Actions and Initiatives that promote Sustainable Development, Responsible Entrepreneurship and Social Responsibility in Greece, can join BRAVO!

You can participate in either the Bravo Sustainability Dialogue & Awards and/or the Bravo Global Goals Awards.

You can put forward initiatives that are still being implemented and evolving even if they have been submitted in the past, as the Social Partners and Active Citizens who take part in the dialogue and consider all initiatives are rotating and their numbers are constantly increasing. This way your initiatives are presented to a new audience every year!

1Study the Methodology  that corresponds to the axis of the institution you are interested in and select the initiatives you want to participate with. Then identify the Pillars by Audience (Institutions & Associations, Businesses, Cities & Regions, Society) and the thematic topics that are linked to your initiatives. See the step-by-step instructions to facilitate the process. 


2Fill in the Application form for the axis of the institution you are interested in.


3Register your organization’s initiatives online at the SUSTAINABILITY Observatory and link them to ONE of the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals! See the offline initiative submission form here.


4Select Submit to Bravo to participate in Bravo Sustainability Dialogue & Awards and/or the Bravo Global Goals Awards to highlight Agenda 2030 related initiatives.

View the methodologies in detail

Bravo Global Goals awards

Cities & Regions
Foundations / Society

Select the appropriate application form

Bravo Global Goals awards

Cities & Regions

See the step-by-step instructions here.

Present your initiatives by filling in the available fields in Greek (English is optional if you would like to communicate it to relevant audiences). When filling in the fields, we suggest that you consider the criteria and the methodology for evaluating participations.

Maximum number of words per initiative: 3,000 words

With regard to the supporting materials for your participation, you may submit:

  • A central photo that will appear next to the title of the initiative: dimensions 770 * 318.
  • Additional photography and videos (YouTube link) on the initiative.
  • Files (word or pdf) with articles, press releases, surveys, etc.
  • Short profile of the Organization (up to 35 words, Greek and English).
    Logo of the organization: dimension 210 * 100 (Greek & English, if applicable).
  • Contact email available to the public

The cost of participation per audience is:

bravo sustainability dialogue and awards

BUSINESS 300€/each
CITIES & REGIONS FOR FREE the 1st one / 300€ each next
SOCIETY FOR FREE the 1st one / 150€ each next

Bravo Global Goals awards

BUSINESS 450€/each
CITIES & REGIONS 450€/each

In order to activate your participation you will need to send the deposit receipt electronically to [email protected].
Contact us 210-6898594.

By depositing the corresponding amount to ALPHA BANK.

Account Number: 1450 0232 0006 054 │ BENEFICIARY: QUALITY NET WORK | IBAN: GR77 0140 1450 1450 0232 0006 054 │ SWIFT / BIC CODE: CRBAGRAA.

What we do

We shape the agenda of Sustainable Development in Greece
We work closely with all involving parties, BUSINESSES, LOCAL AUTHORITIES, CIVIL SOCIETY
We develop an extended dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders
We contribute to the further development of CSR & Sustainability programs and activities
We promote the best programs and actions that contribute to the Sustainable FUTURE OF GREECE
We contribute to the creation of a sustainability culture in our country
Bravo 2018

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